Who We Work With

Working with churches, other charities and agencies is key to help best those in need. Here are some of the organisations we work with:
  • Partner Churches Lansdowne Church, Richmond Park Church, City Gate. We have good a working relationship with many others too!
  • Charities Faithworks. Salvation Army BH1 Project. Believers in Recovery. STAR Recovery. Safe & Sound.
  • Agencies & Organisations PACE Schools Project. Youth For Christ UK. Probation.
  If your church, charity or agency would like to know more about working or partnering together, please email admin@tcdorset.co.uk

We Need Your Support

TCD know that working together much more is achieved! We are so grateful for individuals who faithfully and generously partner financially with us. Individual giving is the backbone of our work as TCD must raise its own finances. All regular and one-off donations are gratefully received. If you would like to give financially to a specific part of the work please email admin@tcdorset.co.uk requesting our ‘need for finances sheet’. You can also download our ‘giving form’ in Word Document or PDF formats. Please then return the completed giving form to us.

Reviews from Our Partners

“We so appreciate being able to refer people interested in a Christian perspective for their recovery journey to Teen Challenge Dorset and its Transform Bible study group.

We know that they will be personally followed up; met with compassion, and faith that positive change can happen; introduced to an active, caring community; and strengthened in their own faith, ensuring they need no longer face their battles on their own.” – City Gate Church Food Bank


“Right from the start, Teen Challenge became a core part of our outreach work.

Each week trained TCD volunteers from the church meet on the streets to share the life-changing message of Jesus and monthly we hold the TCD Hub here with a cooked meal.

It is such a joy to welcome needy folk, week by week to our Sunday services and be a hand of hope in their lives. We have had the privilege of supporting folk right from the street, through the TC programme and on into productive living. God bless TCD!” –  Richmond Park Church

Contact Us

Please contact by email admin@tcdorset.co.uk phone or text 07741 758108. Alternatively, please send us a message using the contact form below.

    Teen Challenge logo_red_final_small_transparent
    Teen Challenge logo_red_final_small_transparent

    Teen Challenge Dorset (TCD) is a Christian outreach that works in Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch, and the surrounding areas. (TCD is a part of  Teen Challenge UK charity no. 298900)

    Tel: 01202 805505
    Mobile: 07741 758108
    Email: admin@tcdorset.co.uk

    Get in touch